So, You're Going to Sit This One Out?
Still going to sit this one out or vote third party because
you think Trump is vile? Here’s what you are voting for.
Hillary in her own words, with a 20 trillion-dollar debt, on
live TV in the debate talked about new program after new program, building the economy
from the middle class up, free this and free that. I’m sorry to tell those who
are reading this, that have never had to create one job, never had to figure
out how to make payroll during tough times, never had to pay all the taxes that
come with making a payroll, or figuring out how to do a zero balance budget. IT
This is socialist nonsense. I have been a union, yellow dog
democrat, woe-is-me-liberal for more years than I’ve been a conservative before
my eyes were opened as to how the system really works. I can tell you, you don’t
build an economy from the middle up. You build it by creating incentive for
business to come to America and for existing businesses to expand and build.
PERIOD! Of course there are other issues that go along with that where there is
room for compromise. But that is a fundamental truth.
So, tell me please, where the jobs are going to come from
when you tax the job creators higher and higher and higher? You know what? They
leave. Why? Because they’re a lot smarter and know a lot more about business
and job creation than this liberal wet dream in a pantsuit who couldn’t tell
the truth if it were written in front of her by one of her speech writers. I
witnessed this on a small scale when I was a union contractor and the contract
got so out of hand, that the older contractors who still loved doing the job,
but didn’t need the money anymore, just retired. It’s basic business 101. And
guess what went with their retirement? A whole lot of jobs, that’s what! Here’s
some news for you – if you taxed the top 1% of wealthiest people in this
country 100% of their income, it would not pay the interest on the national
debt. You are being lied to.
Gun rights? In her own words said she likes the Australian
plan which is gun confiscation. Right to life? Do I really need to go there?
She said, again, in her own words that a baby that is seconds away from birth
has no constitutional right to life. Argue that all day long legalists. I
guarantee you that is not the intent of the creators of our constitution, and
it is not what America is about.
She talks about women’s rights while her Clinton Foundation
has taken vast sums of money from the most anti-women governments and societies
in the world. She talks of women’s rights while she personally went after the “bimbos”,
her words not mine, who her husband constantly pursued. Her machine threatened
them or paid them off.
So, go ahead and laugh at the people that are exposing her
corruption-laced emails or the brave people who are putting out the videos that
fully expose what a crooked, lying, back-room-corruption-filled-politician she
is. Laugh all the way to the food kitchens when they come. Laugh all the way to
the election of this evil winch who hates your guts and only has use for you in
order to gain power.
You think you can’t vote for Trump because it goes against
your conscience? Let’s see how your conscience is feeling when you see what
Killary does to this country and your vote could have made the difference.
Morality? It is your moral duty to do anything you can to keep this evil, vile,
ambition-laden person from destroying what’s left of this country.
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