Many of my friends and family don't really believe that Obamacare will hurt the economy. I wanted to show you a part of an email I got today from NECA, which is the electrical contractor association in which I and my company are members.
First, you must understand that this organization lobbies Congress like many others. But, it is not left wing or right wing. Being representatives of thousands of electrical contractors and suppliers, both large and small, they lobby both parties for the betterment of the industry. So, in that context what I'm about to show you from their email is not partisan. It simply states the facts as they are.
This ruling by the Supreme Court didn't catch anybody by surprise. NECA was prepared to relay to all of its members what to expect, as employers, no matter how the decision turned out. Here is a word for word copy of some of that email.
"Impact of the Decision on NECA Contractors: Same Today as Yesterday
The bottom line for NECA contractors is that unfortunately nothing has changed. NECA contractors must continue to locally plan to comply with the requirements of the ACA that will take effect in 2012 through 2014.
The following taxes that were included in the ACA remain and will potentially have a negative financial impact on NECA.
*Applies to all NECA contractors: A 3.8% surtax on investment income earned in households making at least $250,000 ($200,000 single). Effective 2013, this provision may make it harder for employers to raise capital in order to create jobs and expand business operations. This would result in the following top tax rates on investment income:
*Applies to all NECA contractors: Employers are required to provide employees with a summary of benefits and coverage explanation of benefits and coverage explanation prior to enrollment, re-enrollment upon request, or upon a mid-year material modification. This requirement applies to insured and self-funded group health plans, regardless of grandfathered status, and health insurance issuers offering group or individual health insurance coverage.
*Applies to all NECA Contractors: Beginning January 1, 2013, employees' contributions to Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) will be limited to $2,500 per tax year with annual inflation increases.
*Applies to NECA contractors with 50 or more employees: Effective in 2014, if an employer that does not offer health coverage, and has at least one employee who qualifies for a health tax credit, the employer must pay an additional non-deductible tax of $2000 for all full-time employees. If any employee actually receives coverage through the exchange, the penalty on the employer for that employee is increased to $3000. If the employer requires a waiting period to enroll in coverage of 30-60 days, there is a $400 tax per employee ($600 if the period is 60 days or longer)."
Notice that the email mentions how investment income will be taxed at such higher rates than the current rates that it may make it harder for employers to raise the necessary capital for business expansion and job creation. This is reality, not spin from either party. One of the reasons the economy has been so slow is because business owners have not known how much the cost of business was going to really cost under Obamacare. They have been waiting to see. Well, now we know. If you think the economy is slow now, just wait.
I can tell you that I've sat in meeting rooms with other electrical contractors who are going to retire because of this. They are all able to retire, but would have probably worked many more years had it not been for this Marxist push by the Obama administration to "level the playing field". What leveling the playing field really means is, dragging everybody down to the same level of mediocrity.
What will this "healthcare-for-everyone" really accomplish? A 21 year old in great shape who may not want insurance will have to pay for it or pay the "penalty", which was confirmed by the Supreme Court to be a tax. He will pay for the couch potato diabetic who does nothing but lay on his backside watching TV all day.
People like my parents who have worked hard their whole lives and have earned their healthcare benefits, will wait in longer lines than ever to see doctors because rationing will occur. This is not just my opinion; it's just plain common sense. If more patients enter the already overcrowded medical arena, it follows that it will take longer to get in to see their doctors.
I urge EVERYONE who takes time to read this article to vote for people who will repeal Obamacare and come up with a better plan than this.
I agree with most of what you said and see the points you are making. The only thing I would disagree with is your assertion about "more patients" If they are truly patients then they need to be seen by someone. Currently they are being seen in emergency rooms and that drives the cost way up. They walk out never paying a bill. At least if they have insurance they will pay a copay and the hospital will get some of the bill paid. Hospitals dole out millions in charity care every year. Maybe having a lesser co-pay for the doctor vs. the ER will get them into see the doctor and not use the more expensive resources of the ER. That being said, you are probably right about longer waits at the doctor's office.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with the assertion that this is going to hurt our country in every way.
ReplyDeletePeople are excited about "Obamacare" because they want people to be treated fairly and to receive good healthcare. Who could be against that?
The problem is that it is only fair and "everyone is covered" on paper. In reality, it will limit access to healthcare, the most important factor of all.
Socialized medicine has always resulted in rationed healthcare. I have a good friend (American) who has lived in Canada for years and loves it. At first, he thought the Canadian healthcare system was awesome. As he has aged, he has become disillusioned with it. He and his wife cannot get access to (what would be in the U.S.) routine medical diagnostic tests and exams without being placed on a waiting list of several weeks or even months. He finally threw in the towel and moved back to the States.
As a breast cancer survivor, I'm worried about the new healthcare system. I had excellent care four years ago, but I am concerned that, if I were to suffer a recurrence under Obamacare, I may not receive the same excellent care.
I'll go so far as to say that I'm worried that, in the future, if us oldsters don't meet some kind of litmus test for (age, general health status, etc.), we may not receive the necessary treatment because it will be deemed too expensive for non-producing members of the utilitarian state.
And none of this is to mention the burden this will place on our already suffering economy. Sorry to be so cynical, but I think it's the last nail in the coffin. :-(
I agree with you Dana. Obama has his sights set on several groups. Babies, Catholics, the Physically/Mentally handicapped and Senior Citizens. America better wake up. We are on a bad, bad road. These are just the start. He will target other groups. If we are silent now there will be no stopping him. Frog in the pot syndrome.
ReplyDeleteThank you Milano Running Mom and Dana for your comments.
ReplyDeleteTo clarify my statement, "If more patients enter the already overcrowded medical arena."
The majority of Americans want access to medical care for anyone who NEEDS it. When the door opens to where medical care doesn't cost anything, the same people who won't work, and live an entitlement centered life, will flood doctor's offices at the first sign of a headache. There are already programs for low income people - Chips, Medicare, Medicaid, etc. These government programs have not solved the problem. I was referring to that group of patients. But the question still remains; how do you pay for it?