Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Is It Too Late?

Is It Too Late?

Obama Executive Order Imposes Martial Law On United States

   On Friday evening, March 16th 2012, Barack Hussein Obama signed into existence "National Defense Resources Preparedness," an Executive Order which will afford the president dictatorial powers over the nation and the American people whenever he chooses to implement it.

               Some of the more important-and frightening-dictates of the Obama decree:

   The president can place the order in effect virtually whenever and for whatever reason he wishes. Although related to the Defense Production Act of 1950, written as a result of the Korean War, the current Executive Order makes it clear that the nation need not be at war or threatened with aggression by outside forces to be implemented. The Order specifically states that it may be activated in peacetime.

   All actions of the Order are ultimately controlled by the President. Obama has appointed the National Security Council and DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano, as the "integrated policymaking forum" for all Order policies.

   All commerce will be conducted according to the demands of the President. All "services, materials and facilities" may be commandeered by the President "as deemed necessary or appropriate to promote the national defense..."

   Regulations will be issued by the President's representatives, establishing nationwide standards and procedures of production. The entire economy will literally work under the President's direction. He and his representatives will also decide how all important resources shall be apportioned. They will "control the general distribution of any material (including applicable services) to the civilian market."

   The President's representatives will have authority to grant or guarantee loans for the production of goods and materials or to "create, maintain, protect, expand or restore domestic industrial base capabilities essential for the national defense." They may also "encourage the exploration, development, and mining of strategic and critical materials..." Apparently oil may be sought only after the President has become a dictator.

   Manufacturers will not be permitted to produce or sell goods unless authorized by the President. Anything produced will be made available for the President's (that is, the nation's) use before it may be offered elsewhere. The President's representatives have authority to take over privately owned companies, plants, and facilities, modify them, add or delete equipment and "authorize" production schedules. In short, private businessmen will be told what to make, how to make it, how much, when and for whom.

   The Director of Selective Service and the Secretary of Defense will decide who will be inducted into the armed forces and who will be deferred.

   In addition to those powers listed above, the President will also control all civil transportation; all forms, supplies and suppliers of energy; farm equipment; all food resources; food resource facilities; all water resources; health resources; strategic and critical materials and national defense.
   And there are two additional items to consider. Janet Napolitano will be in charge of the National Defense Executive Reserve program. NDER refers to individuals recruited for specific tasks based upon specific abilities. And though they might be builders, they could also be mercenaries armed by Obama to "control" an unruly populace.

   Also, emergency preparedness mandates of Obama's Executive Order will be carried out according to Title VI of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief  Act. Managed for years by FEMA, the Act is known for its creation of "temporary housing" facilities for displaced persons also known as FEMA camps.

   As the American people consider what Obama has done, it is also necessary to ask WHY? Does he know or expect something the American public does not? And how will the enslavement of 300 million Americans make the United States better prepared for the requirements of "national defense?"

Is it too late?
Sleep well America.


Sunday, March 11, 2012

God-Country-Family Part 2

Part 2

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

   Our creator. GENESIS 1 goes on to say that the earth was a formless wasteland. Darkness covered the abyss. A mighty wind swept over the waters. Then God said, "Let there be light." and there was light. God saw how good the light was. God then separated the light from the darkness. God called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night." Thus evening came, and morning followed-the first day.

Happy is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people chosen as his very own.
PSALM 33:12

  Our country. The weak economy can give rise to churches reaching out to the hungry and ministering to those in need. It is important to note that after the Great Depression and after WW2 there was a tremendous, quiet revival in our country. My hopes are that this will happen again and that we may once again reform the church, by the grace of God.
   It is important to remember our freedoms. Freedom to worship, freedom of speech, freedom to own property and to give to others. There is no government, no power that is not derived from the ultimate power-God. Human government was for the common good (and under God), and so was faith.
   There was a time when many Americans thought that we were the chosen nation. Hoping for a nation that was the city on the hill; a light for the world to see. There are not many who believe that any more. As people of God, we can continue to influence our country by the way we live, and also by multiplying the gospel in our country. Much of the freedom we have is there because people seek to follow Him and reject evil. We are called to pray for the place where God has placed us, and work for prosperity. We are not only called to pray but to live, vote, and care for our nation. My hope is for this nation to come closer to God as Christians really live and share their faith. This is a place for primary love of God and secondary love of country.

God created man in his image; in the Divine image he created him; male and female he created them.

   Our family. Scripture reminds us where we came from and where we are going. Our beginning and end is in the loving power of our Creator, God. God loves us so much that He made human beings the high point of His creations. God in His goodness and mercy created man and woman to reflect His image to the world. The woman compliments the man in a way that is unique and life-giving to both of them. Together they live out this complementarity physically, psychologically, and emotionally as they strive to become more united in their love for one another and God. In our heart of hearts we all want love to be lasting and permanent so that we can be free to be ourselves with another and know that we are loved.
   We strive to live a life of kindness and compassion, but we know we will fall short therefore we will need to forgive and be forgiven as well. Ephesians 5:25 says, "Husbands love your wife as Christ loved the church." We are to love, cherish, and nurture our spouse so as to help our beloved get to heaven. Our goal in marriage is not just an earthly goal but also eternal. Your marriage has eternal ramifications; to help someone else (and more if kids come along) get to heaven. Our spouse is a blessing from God. It was the Lord who brought the two of you together and He has a great plan for you.
   Children are the supreme gift of marriage and contribute greatly to the parents. A loving father and mother create the best homes for children, the domestic churches, where children learn to love and be loved. Our society does not see children as the ultimate gift, but what more could two people do than to unite their love for one another and in that love create another eternal soul? We share in God's creative love and your love is made eternal in your child.

May God bless you and your family, bless the country he so mercifully gave to us, and bestow grace upon us that we as Christians can bring all back to Him.


Saturday, March 3, 2012

Euthanasias 'R Us

Remember when the so called debate was at a fever pitch over Obamacare? That is to say, before many backroom deals and having it crammed down our throats, one of the biggest concerns was the "death panels" that would ensue after its full passage.

I know, Liberals don't like the use of the term, "death panels," and prefer the Obamacare terminology of, "End of Life Counseling." In fact those that use the term, "death panels" are completely mocked and humiliated by the lame street media as being moronic, crazy, lunatic extremists for thinking that America would ever euthanize anyone besides babies in the womb, who they don't consider to be living people. They would be the first to march against euthanizing animals.

But, in the case of then Illinois Senator Barack Obama, he voted to allow infanticide when Illinois SB 1082 was voted down in the committee of which he was the chair. That bill would have allowed for the protection of any child including abortion survivors.  The bill defined the term "born-alive infant" as any infant, even one born as the result of an unsuccessful abortion that shows vital signs separate from its mother. The bill would have established that infants thus defined were humans with legal rights.

We have tried and tried to tell you. If you give an inch, they take a mile. This is why believers in right to life are so adamant about defending life. When life is cheapened in any way it affects life at every stage of the game including the euthanasia of the "non-useful-to-society" such as the handicapped, mentally retarded, and the elderly who are deemed as unfit to live because they have outlived their usefulness to society. 

You think I'm making this up? Check out news from the champion of the world in euthanasia, the Netherlands. This article from The Guardian on March 1, 2012, "Dutch mobile euthanasia units to make house calls," explains how the Dutch will now make house calls to euthanize those who want to end their lives. Holy Soylent Green, Batman. Is this really happening? Yes it is. This is not a trick title or heading. The article explains in detail how the Dutch Association for a Voluntary End to Life has launched what they call house-call units. And the services are being offered FREE OF CHARGE! Does that not set off an alarm bell for anyone other than me? No charge, just give us a call and we'll come put you down before you know what hit you. Oh, don't worry about not having the money, just give us a call at, Euthanasias 'R Us!

So you say, "but that could never happen here." It's just plain old, simple math, people. Let me try to explain it so even a liberal can understand. When you give every citizen "free" healthcare in a situation where medical facilities and practitioners are already in short supply ---> decrease the amount of money the government will pay them, thereby reducing the amount of people willing to spend 10 years of their life preparing to be doctors ----> (Now stay with me, it's simple math)----> it naturally follows that there won't be enough healthcare to go around ------> so somebody has to decide who receives treatment and who doesn’t ----->not the doctors or patients, that duty would fall on, you guessed it,  the "End of Life Counseling" panel. It's common sense people. Who gets the cancer treatment.....my 93 year old dad who has worked hard all his life to pay for his health insurance or the 25 year old who’s never worked a day in his life?

Now doesn't that sound a whole lot better than the "Death Panel?" I mean death panel is such a messy term; we better not use that one. In case you think my mathematical formula for who gets eliminated in this game of Big-Government-playing-God, is a bunch of hypothetical nonsense, it's already in full use. The Dutch have been using this model for years, along with universal healthcare. The Dutch are now killing 2300 to 3100 people a year through the End of Life Association. The actual numbers are likely to be much higher since many cases are not registered.

Remember the story from my blog, "Right to Choose" about throwing a frog in water? That's the principle at work here. Throw a frog in boiling water, he will jump out. But, throw him in a pot of cold water and slowly turn up the heat and he will never notice and slowly boil to death. Here's the analogy. Justify that fetuses are not humans yet -allow them to be killed in the womb - then allow those that are in the last trimester to be killed in partial birth abortion - then allow an abortion survival baby to just lay on the table to die instead of receiving life-saving medical attention - then say that it's merciful to let anyone choose to end their life, and you see how the heart and mindset gets totally de-sensitized to the protection of all life.

The Declaration of Independence declares that all men are "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness." Well, it all starts with right to life. There can be no liberty or pursuit of happiness without having life. America, we must pursue the sanctity of life and we must be vigilant in exposing all lies and distortions of truth that claim otherwise. 

God Bless America!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Its a Spending Problem, Not A Revenue Issue:

Our government is a big believer that if they tell you something enough, you will believe it. Take issue with the Social Security comments. They call it an "entitlement". I am here to tell you, when you contribute your money into a fund, that is your money, not the government's. Therefore, it is not an entitlement. Now if you tell the administration this, they will completely ignore you and go right back on national ads calling it an entitlement.

Sadly, there are many more people that live on true entitlements than those that don't. Thus they will believe what the government says. My point being, a truthful administration is non-existent. Spending is the issue yet they tell us how they need to create more revenue.

If you will take the time to research their spending habits you would be amazed. Like the $500,000 to watch a shrimp run around on a treadmill. The $250,000 spent in Arkansas to study a peanut. When these issues arise, our great leaders say, "well , that's a drop in the bucket!" Enough drops cause a waterfall folks.
So let's get bigger in our financial miscues by our government. Solyndra; 500 million dollars to a company that was proven destined for failure, yet the government gave them the money. Now they are Bankrupt. So what do we do? Court OKs $370,000 to pay the executives their due bonuses. Another drop in the bucket. Their answer as to why? That's what it takes to keep the good people. Again, Bankrupt!

Since the government took control of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, taxpayers (that would be us) have spent more than $160 million defending the mortgage companies AND their former executives. Guess the bonuses for being so good wouldn't cover their attorney fees. By the way, the charges against them....fraud. Obama's administration had this secret very well hidden until Congress demanded an accounting that was produced by the companies and their regulator. Documents reviewed by the New York Times revealed that we the taxpayers have spent $24.2 million in attorney fees for three former top executives - Franklin D. Raines, Timothy Howard......the Top Chief FINANCIAL officer, and the former CONTROLLER, Leanne Spencer. By the way, for those of you that don't know, a controller is the person that over sees all the monies coming in and going out.

We have got to make others aware of this type of fraud against us, the taxpayers, and show our country what our administration's policies really are. We need to expose this to the country to minimize all we can being distributed to this company. The Treasury department is expected to publish a report outlining the administration's recommendations regarding the future of these companies. I can only imagine what is being said in the oval office; "Well, looks like they caught us!"

All I can ask is for you to get involved. Let your friends and family know about this blog site. If nothing else but for the information they need that will enable them to make wise choices in their voting process. Come here...get facts...go to media and the current administration...get smoke.

God bless,