Friday, February 24, 2012

Right to Choose

Right to choose. . . . .these are words that we hear quite often from groups that support a woman's right to choose to kill their unborn child.

I believe in the right to choose also, but not in the right to choose murder. How about the right to choose what kind of education your own children recieve? My family has chosen not to participate in government education as far as sending our children to those institutions. However, that does not allow us to choose not to participate in the out-of-control taxes that pay for the out-of-control spending for those institutions. We have used homeschooling, private Christian schools, and a homeschool academy as our methods of providing education to our children. Yet, we have been forced to pay for an education system that we no longer believe in along with our preferred forms of education.

So, why the resistance to vouchers for education? Oh, I'm sure you have heard all the phony baloney stories about how it would bankrupt the government education system. Well, first off, good! That's what a broken system needs to do just like a failing business. Count your losses, reorganize, and start over. But, let's not get into mass hysteria here. I'm not really suggesting that we close down "public education". I'm suggesting that competition makes anyone or anything better. You grow and adapt or die. Take the money that is spent on a per child basis and give parents vouchers to spend that money at the school that they think will most benefit their child. Those that believe the "public school" is a better choice for their child will still be able to make that choice. But those, like us and many others, that are tired of putting their children into a "big box store" kind of system with its one size fits all mentality, may choose another form of education. Government education will be forced to examine itself, live within its budget, and learn to give parents what they are paying for.

There's an old saying that goes like this, "If you say something long enough and loud enough, it becomes fact." Well that's what has happened to the education system in this country. We have just mindlessly sent our children into this school system for about eight hours a day with little thought as to what they are actually teaching our children. We justify our actions by saying long enough and loud enough, "My parents went to public schools and I went to public schools, blah, blah, blah." It doesn't matter that we may not believe in the forms of sex education, the re-writing of history, environmentalism, Godless secular humanistic philosphy, or evolutionary thinking (which includes way more than evolutionary science). We just send the kids there to be indoctrinated for eight hours a day, and then wonder what has happened to the youth of our country. We wonder how it ever happened that kids are shooting each other in school, posting idiotic videos of ganging up on helpless victims by bullies, and forms of debauchery that most of us never dreamed of in our whole lives, much less when we were in junior high. How many of you believe you can make up for the indoctrination by correcting them in the time you have with your children after school? Some of you do and you're to be commended for that. But you know as well as I do, most don't or we wouldn't be having the problems we are having.

Along with the voucher system, the Department of Education needs to be eliminated as the wasteful spending entity that it is. We got along just fine without it before its re-creation by Jimmy Carter in 1967, thank you. It existed earlier and in our history, but was soon downgraded to an office. Look at this organizational chart for this monster.
File:Ed gl org chart.gif

People such as myself have proven beyond any doubt what can be accomplished in education right in the home and in private institutions at a fraction of the cost per child. Through homeschooling and private education, three of my daughters had such high SAT scores that they qualified for grant money to go to college. One of them chose to leave college and devote her life to being a wife and mother. One daughter earned entrance into the Phi Theta Kappa honor society, and another made the dean's list at Regent University in Virginia. My son will be taking college credit courses next year in his junior year. The proof is in the pudding.

Aside from the fact that choosing a different form of education is quite costly, it is rapdily coming under fire. I witnessed a custody hearing today involving a husband and grandparents who were trying to remove three children from the mother's custody because she was homeschooling their three children. It would be one thing if she was an unfit mother, but witness after witness tesified that she was good mother. The only argument they had was that she was homeschooling and over protective. Amazing. Over protective. How have we come to the point where a parent is criticized for doing that which God commands us to do....."Train up a child in the way he/she should go."
You better wake up people. They don't steal rights from you in one gigantic move. It's hundreds of small moves that seem barely noticeable at the time. It's like putting a frog in boiling water. If you dropped a frog in boiling water he would immediately try to jump out. But if you put him in cold water, turn up the heat slowly, he will never see it coming and will boil to death. We are in the water, Americans, and the heat is slowly being turned up. Wake up!

God Bless America!

A World Without God


A World Without God....
Believe it or not, that is what many people desire our world to be like; without God. They feel that without the "hindrance" of God they can move forward and be free from what they feel are the shackles and shortcomings of "traditional" religion. For example, we find that humanism is making great inroads in our society as far as denying and working against religion as most people would view it. Humanism itself has been ruled a religion by the United States Supreme Court (Torcaso Case, 1961; Segar Case, 1964), yet it denies the need or existence of God, thus a no God religion. In the Humanist Manifesto; take notice to what is said of "traditional " religion...
As in 1933, humanists still believe that traditional theism, especially faith in the prayer-hearing God, assumed to love and care for persons, to hear and understand their prayers, and to be able to do something about them, is an unproven and outmoded faith..
Reasonable minds look to other means for survival.
No deity will save us; we must save ourselves.
As non theists, we begin with humans, not God, nature not deity.
Obviously such people feel that there is no place in man's needs nor should be in his desires for a God in heaven. In the same Manifesto the statement is made that, "The next century can be and should be the humanistic century."

Sound familiar? Seems to me that we are heading in that direction. Why would the United States Supreme Court even rule on such an issue? And why would this issue not be made public? And then rule in these types of groups favor! Is their desire coming true? OPEN YOUR EYES! Have you noticed the continual degradation of morals in the media? Adultery, cursing...every kind of immoral act is now glorified in the name of human pleasure. That is why we are here. To get the truisms out to you so that you can make an informative and wise decision in what needs to be done to take our country back.
God bless

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Welcome to God-Country-Family Blog!

Welcome to the God-Country-Family Blog. This is the first blog and will be informational in nature and instructional as far as the rules go.

I started this blog because of my love for God, America, and my family. But, I’m not speaking of loving them individually only. I’m really speaking of how they are entwined together in an inseparable bond. I grew up in an America that looks very different than the one in which we live today. As great a country as she is, America has strayed from the path, from the foundation, from the three pillars that made her the great country that she is. It doesn’t take a very long look at history to see what happens to a society that forsakes its belief and trust in God, places self interest above their country, and places less emphasis on the family.

Our founding fathers knew these things were what it would take to make a struggling, new country into one that could stand the test of time. When they penned the words, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness,” they were forming a foundation different from any other democracy in existence. Every other democracy that claimed to give people rights were rights that were given by the government or a monarchy. Our founders knew that these unalienable rights can only be given by God and no man can take them away.

This is the heart of what this blog is about. It’s about God, God-given rights, love of country, and the importance of family in a free society. I have witnessed in my time on this earth our country going from “Leave it to Beaver”, “The Andy Griffith Show”, and “I Love Lucy” to the worst kind of filth imaginable on TV.  I have seen us go from the worst crimes in school being, chewing gum in class to teenage suicides, rampant drug use, and murder. I have seen politics go from being a rough sport to a spectacle that would make the worst gladiator event at the Coliseum in Rome look like a game of tidily-winks. I have seen the foundation of marriage being viewed not as a gift from God, but as something that we slip in and out of like a pair of socks. I was reminded yesterday of a movie that was so shocking in 1959 that it was unheard of for any crime to be committed in that way. The movie was, “In Cold Blood.” This kind of crime was almost unheard of in that time. Now crimes like this are such an everyday event that we have become calloused to them.

I am a Christian, a free enterprise, free market, compassionate capitalist. I will strive to expose those things of darkness that are wreaking havoc on our kids, our families, and our country in general. This may range from those things that hurt this country from a faith perspective or from my political perspective. I am unashamedly capitalistic, pro-life, limited government, and will use this blog to fight any form of socialism from destroying our country.

Anyone who is willing to have civil discussions, based on fact, are welcome to comment. I will remove any comments that are obscene or that contain profanity. I will remove any comments that resort to personal attacks. We will go by the two strike rule. One violation of the rules of commentary will be removed. A second violation will result in banning from this blog.

I am joined in this effort by one of my best friends and Christian brothers on this earth. He will introduce himself in another blog. Along the way we will have other writers join us as well.
Make no mistake, we are united in the fact that our beloved nation is in trouble, that there are forces of darkness in operation seeking to destroy the freedom we enjoy, and it is our mission to expose them for what they are and open eyes of those who are truly willing to see.

God Bless America!